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I'm Still Here.......Is he crazy or a genius?


Now I have yet to see his new film, I'm Still Here, but Joaquin Pheonix might be the Andy Kaufman of our generation with this new film.

The film follows Joaquin and his transition from successful actor to aspiring rapper. If you have not seen Joaquin perform a rap song, just know it is kinda God awful. It reminds me alot of a kid with a webcam shooting a rap video to put on Youtube.

So we know he can't rap, but man can he look bad ass. That whole full beard/sunglasses/suit thing he had going on was down right amazing. He also can party hardcore. The film depicts cocaine use, prostitutes, and things generally reserved for the Jackass gang (Jackass 3-D in theaters October 15, 2010).

The "character" Joaquin portrays very much reminds me of when Andy Kaufman created the character of Tony Clifton and swore up and down that they were separate people. Joaquin, it seems, took it one step further and altered his own personality entirely for a character.

I saw the episode of David Letterman where Joaquin sat down for an interview in all of his bearded glory and then systematically refused any kind of interview at all. Well, it's been roughly a year and a half since his last Letterman interview (The new one airs September 22nd on CBS), and we might finally clear up if this was all an act by an amazing actor capable of full character immersion, or simply a documentary about a talented actor who thoroughly lost his mind.

I'm Still Here is currently in select theaters

credit to Buzznet.com for the photo

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