About Me

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Willing to talk to anyone, unless you are crazy



I decided to start a blog to potentially just rid myself of Facebook entirely. Don't get me wrong I love FB and the way it connects with friends. I probably won't ever be totally rid of my FB addiction, but the more I sit and consider it, the more I see that FB creates misery and disappointment amongst friends. I cannot tell you how often I've heard that "so and so's" FB post made me sad and/or angry.

As I sit here and comment on FB about the St. Louis Ram's football game, I wonder if I will miss all the good times me and Facebook had together.

Drinking beers with a buddy in another state.
Commenting on the need for economic reformation with a friend who is a lawyer.
Stalking an ex-girlfri.......you get the idea.

Like I said, FB will always be a way for me to connect with people, but I feel I can communicate much better in complete sentences. So many LOL's, BRB's, Emoticons, and random ass posts about how someone needs 8 people to contribute to there mayoral race in Mafia Wars have left a bad taste in my mouth. So from here on out, I will make most of my life know through my personal blog, and no longer interest myself in the day to day random postings of FB...................................................................however if you don't go see Social Network by David Fincher, you will be sadly mistaken.

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